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The journey to health, is the journey to self

Many of you might be wondering, “How is this possible?” Especially if you’re dealing with a serious health condition or have been struggling with deep un wellness, depression, or pain for what seems like an eternity.

The truth is, I cannot promise to heal you, because healing comes from within you, from nobody else. However, I can equip you with the tools you need to make a significant change in your life, giving you the power to heal yourself.

Many people find themselves dependent on others for their health, whether it’s a physician, a caregiver, a partner, a healer, or a counsellor. I’m not here to judge or say that’s wrong. I’ve spent nearly 24 years in the field of holistic energy medicine, specialising in classical kinesiology, holistic personal training, nutrition, naturopathy, supplementation, and teaching ancient knowledge of Kundalini yoga.

My expertise gives me a truly unique approach to support you in personalising movement patterns for health, strength, pain relief, and stress reduction, as well as overall well-being and emotional, chemical, and physical balance. I have an array of tools, from breath work patterns to meditations, to assist you on your 19-week journey. This package is exclusive to you and can’t be found anywhere else.

You don’t need to be diagnosed with an illness or disease to embark on this journey. Perhaps you just feel a sense of unease in your body, which is making you anxious, stressed, depressed, or dissatisfied in life. Maybe you feel disconnected from yourself and others.

The word “disease” itself comes from a state of “dis-ease” within our being, manifesting over time. How it manifests physically with day-to-day discomforts, aches, and pains is a tell tale sign of what’s really going on.

As an experienced practitioner in kinesiology, I can read your body not only physically but also symptomatically. Think of me as your holistic fairy godmother, equipping you with the tools to take control of your mental, physical, emotional, chemical, and spiritual well-being.

Your health isn’t just a lifestyle; it’s a profound understanding of yourself and what it means to “Just Be.”

I’ve carefully crafted an 19-week modulation workbook, born from my heart and soul, to guide you like no other on this transformative health journey. The workbook offers practical tips tailored to your goals and needs.

These modules are designed to unlock unwanted energy that hinders your health, mentally, emotionally, chemically, and spiritually. They’ll provide a deep understanding of holistic health and empower you with everyday-use tools.

Have you ever attended a retreat or workshop and returned feeling joyful, only for that feeling to fizzle out over time as you fall back into old routines?

This 19 week transformational health plan is different. Why? Because the material you have access to is for life. You’ll have access to me and a supportive community after your plan ends. We provide ongoing resources, from videos and blogs to meditations and yoga classes, to keep you engaged.

Your journey doesn’t end after 19 weeks; it’s just the beginning of your path to rediscovering the joy of your existence, embracing your unique beauty, and simply learning to “just be”.

Expect anything to be possible. Come with an open mind and heart to learn, and choose what feels right for you. Everyone’s learning journey is different, and as you revisit material, you’ll discover new insights.

On a practical note, expect a weekly live video call with me, as well as the 19 week workbook and journal. All food plans and health consultation forms are to be completed before our first live call. Our first two calls may run longer than an hour to address your questions.

The calls span over 19 weeks, while the core modules cover 19 weeks. The payment reflects the care and time put into your personalised plan. If you miss a week due to illness, you’ll receive a tailored replay video or alternative arrangements will be made.

Wellbeing Practice

Self-care rituals, including energy-boosting foods.

– A personalised workbook covering 19 modules to be completed at your own pace.

– A journal plan to track your progress.

  • Access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

A live zoom call with me at an agreed time weekly for the duration of your plan (20 weeks with initial set up call unless agreed face to face meets)

My payment plans reflect the time, energy, and love I put into my work. I’ve dedicated my life to supporting others in finding their path back to their true selves and claiming their unique identity and health. I provide something unique – access to me for genuine nurturing support.

For more details on the price plans, please contact me

Refund Policy for 19 Week Health Transformation Plan

1. Refund Eligibility

We strive to provide our clients with the best possible experience during their 19-week health transformation journey. However, we understand that circumstances may arise that necessitate a refund. To be eligible for a refund, you must meet the following criteria:

– You have purchased the 19-week health transformation plan directly from mariafenn.co.uk

– Your refund request is made within 28 days from the date of purchase.

– You have completed at least 8 weeks of the 19 – week program as determined by our records.

– Your refund request is due to a valid reason, such as dissatisfaction with the program content or a documented medical issue that prevents you from participating.

2. Refund Process

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

– Contact our customer support team at hello@mariafenn.co.uk and provide the following information:

  – Your full name.

  – Date of purchase.

  – Order number or transaction ID.

  – Reason for your refund request.

– Our customer support team will review your request and may request additional information or documentation if necessary.

– If your refund request is approved, we will process the refund within 28 business days to the original payment method used for the purchase.

3. Refund Amount

The amount of your refund will be determined based on the following factors:

If your refund request is made within 28 days from the date of purchase and you have completed less than 8 weeks of the program, you will be eligible for a full refund.

4. Non-Refundable Items

Please note that the following items are non-refundable:

– Any products or services not included in the 19-week health transformation plan.

– Any additional coaching sessions or personalised services that have been provided to you.

5. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact our customer support team at hello@mariafenn.co.uk 

Tools for Everyday Living

Many of us have embarked on retreats and workshops in a desperate plea to feel better, but what's often missing is ongoing support and practical tools that can be used in your everyday life, whenever you need them. That's where the "Just Be" program shines.

A Thriving Community

By joining us, you not only gain my guidance and support but also become part of a vibrant community. You'll find friends who have walked a similar path or are currently on their own journeys. We're here to uplift and inspire each other.

Let's Get Started

So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Click here to explore the exclusive content of the "Just Be" program, carefully designed to empower you to transform your health, mental well-being, and emotional wellness for life.

What's included

NEW Bonus material Your Body Talks (here you will find all details that need completing prior to our first live 1-to-1 call together).

Movement Practice

This is where kinesiology, holistic personal training and kundalini yogic technology combine to release tension in the body.


Journal Practice:

Reflect on past experiences where forgiveness may be needed.


Wellbeing Practice

Guided meditation for forgiveness and letting go.

Movement Practice

Mindful walking to connect with the present moment.


Journal Practice

Explore your goals, values, and what truly matters to you.


Wellbeing Practice

Breathing exercises to enhance self-awareness

Movement Practice

Heart-opening yoga poses for self-acceptance.


Journal Practice

Reflect on times when you felt most authentic.


Wellbeing Practice

Daily affirmations to reinforce alignment with your true self

Movement Practice

Strength-building exercises to boost confidence.


Journal Practice

Identify your strengths and how you can leverage them.


Wellbeing Practice

Visualization exercises for harnessing inner strength.

Movement Practice

Gentle Qi Gong movements to restore energy flow.


Journal Practice

Track your energy levels throughout the day.


Wellbeing Practice

Self-care rituals, including energy-boosting foods.

Movement Practice

Flowing yoga sequences for physical and mental ease.


Journal Practice

Explore areas of tension in your life and how to release them.


Wellbeing Practice

Relaxation techniques to promote ease and calm.

Movement Practice

Cardiovascular exercises for circulation and clarity.


Journal Practice

Reflect on how physical movement impacts mental clarity.


Wellbeing Practice

Mindfulness meditation for mental clarity.

Movement Practice

Dance or free movement to express your unique identity.


Journal Practice

Explore your personal journey and what defines you.


Wellbeing Practice

Create a vision board representing your identity.

Movement Practice

Gentle stretching to prepare the body for stillness.


Journal Practice

Set intentions for your meditation practice.


Wellbeing Practice

Guided meditation for relaxation and focus

Movement Practice

Vocal exercises to find and strengthen your voice.


Journal Practice

Reflect on times when you spoke your truth.


Wellbeing Practice

Practice assertive communication techniques

Movement Practice

Yoga poses targeting specific glands and organs.


Journal Practice

Explore the mind-body connection with your organs.


Wellbeing Practice

Foods and herbs for gland and organ health.


Apologies for the oversight. Let’s continue with the remaining key areas

Movement Practice

Grounding yoga poses and Tai Chi influenced movement based practices are used to flow.


Journal Practice

Reflect on moments when you felt grounded and centered.


Wellbeing Practice

Grounding meditation for stability and balance.

Movement Practice

Warrior and balancing yoga poses.


Journal Practice

Explore your inner warrior and sage qualities.


Wellbeing Practice

Guided meditation to embody warrior and sage attributes

Movement Practice

Core-strengthening exercises and Pilates movements.


Journal Practice

Reflect on the importance of core strength in daily life.


Wellbeing Practice

Abdominal breathing exercises for core awareness

Movement Practice

Gentle backbends and heart-opening yoga sequences.


Journal Practice

Explore moments of openness and expansiveness.


Wellbeing Practice

Deep breathing exercises for expansiveness

Movement Practice

Tai Chi movements for balance in the storm.


Journal Practice

Reflect on challenges you’ve faced and the solutions you found.


Wellbeing Practice

Guided visualization for clarity during turbulent times

Movement Practice

Morning yoga stretches to start your day with vitality.


Journal Practice

Document your morning routine and its impact on your day.


Wellbeing Practice

Nutrient-rich breakfast ideas for a great start.

Movement Practice

Celebratory dance or movement to express your newfound vitality.


Journal Practice

Write a letter to yourself acknowledging your journey and growth.


Wellbeing Practice

We create a self-care plan that honours your vibrant self.

Every individual’s life deserves to be lived in full connection with their wonderful, vibrant, and authentic self. It’s my privilege to be part of this transformative journey with you, and I’m eagerly anticipating our live Zoom meetings where we can connect and explore the path to just being.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at hello@mariafenn.co.uk.

Warmest blessings and looking forward to meeting you soon,

Maria xx

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