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Smells Like Teen Team Spirit

Dear Amazing Teens,

I am thrilled to announce that our Teen Team Spirit Workshop is starting again on Monday, January 8th, 2024, from 5 pm to 6 pm. This workshop is designed with one simple goal in mind: to empower you to thrive in your teenage years, no matter what emotional challenges you may face. It’s a journey of self-discovery, nurturing support, and finding a community of like-minded teens who understand and appreciate you.

Why Teen Time?

We believe that together, we are stronger. As teens, you might be navigating a world full of changes, emotions, and challenges. Some of you may be dealing with anxiety, depression, PTSD, or other conditions that make you feel disconnected, alone, or misunderstood. But remember, you are not alone. Our workshop is here to provide you with a safe space where you can connect, trust, and grow together.

What's included

In the first week, we’ll start by sharing our stories and making connections. We’ll introduce techniques to calm anxiety and stress, followed by a short journaling session. Whether you choose to share your journal entries or keep them to yourself, this is your space to express and connect.

In week two, we’ll delve into understanding the emotional cycles of life, especially those influenced by conditions like anxiety, depression, or PTSD. We’ll explore how these emotions loop and the importance of recognizing these patterns in our lives. Understanding our emotions is the first step towards harnessing their power.

Using Your Emotions for Motivation Week three is possibly my favourite, as we get up and move! We’ll explore how to use our emotions as motivation through movement. It’s a dynamic and empowering session where you’ll discover the strength within you, no matter what emotional challenges you face.

In week four, we’ll explore the incredible power of tapping with easy-to-use techniques, especially helpful for those feeling disconnected, lonely, or depressed. We’ll combine this with the soothing practice of breathwork and the healing sound to address emotional challenges.

Week five brings everything we’ve learned together into one final session. It’s a chance to reflect on your journey and how far you’ve come, building resilience and emotional intelligence along the way, no matter what emotional challenges you’ve faced.

In our final session, we’ll share our experiences and celebrate our growth, including those of you who’ve faced emotional challenges. But remember, this isn’t goodbye; it’s only the beginning. We’ll continue to support each other on our journey through our Signal app, where you’ll find a community that understands you.

A Message from My Heart:

This workshop is close to my heart and soul because I deeply care about each and every one of you. Emotional challenges like anxiety, depression, PTSD, or any other condition should never make you feel disconnected, alone, or misunderstood. With Teen Team Spirit, you always have a home and a community that embraces you for who you are.

I’ve designed this workshop to be flexible and affordable, making it accessible to all households. If payment is a concern for the full six weeks, and you believe you would benefit, please reach out to me. I am here to support you in any way I can.

Online yoga classes for teens


The Teen Team Spirit Workshop is a 6-week program designed to empower and support teenagers in navigating their emotional challenges, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, or other conditions. It provides a safe and nurturing space for teens to connect, learn, and grow directly with me.

The workshop starts on Monday, January 8th, 2024, and runs for 6 weeks. Each session is one hour long, from 5 pm to 6 pm.

We offer two payment options:

Pay-as-you-go: £30 per session.

Block booking for 6 weeks: £25 per session, totaling £150 for the full program.

This workshop is designed for teenagers facing emotional challenges, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, or those who simply feel disconnected, alone, or misunderstood. It’s a supportive community where teens can come together and find empowerment directly with me.

Week 1: Sharing and Connecting – Building trust and community through sharing and journaling.

Week 2: Understanding Emotional Cycles – Recognizing emotional patterns and their significance.

Week 3: Using Your Emotions for Motivation – Harnessing emotions for motivation through movement.

Week 4: The Power of Tapping and Breathwork – Techniques to address emotional challenges.

Week 5: Integration of Learning – Combining knowledge and experiences.

Week 6: Sharing and New Beginnings – Celebrating growth and continuing support.

No special equipment is required. Just bring yourself and an open mind. No prior experience in emotional wellness practices is necessary.

While the workshop is designed to support those facing emotional challenges, it’s open to all teenagers who want to learn, grow, and connect in a nurturing environment directly with me.

To register, simply visit my website or reach out to me directly. You’ll find all the details on how to secure your spot.

I understand that financial concerns may arise. If you believe you would benefit from the workshop but are unable to pay the full fee, please contact me. I am here to support you.

After the 6-week workshop, you can continue to connect with me and the Teen Team Spirit community through our Signal app. It’s a space where you can share your journey, provide support, and grow together.

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